Wind Project Scientist
Lynn B. Wilson III
(301) 286-6487
lynn.b.wilson [at]
The 92 second time resolution Key Parameter (KP) files are available through CDAWeb. On the first page select 'WIND' and 'Magnetic Fields (space)'. And on the next page WI_K0_MFI.
The calibrated version 3, 4, and 5 MFI files are on the MFI Web Site. Version 5 files are provided in preference over version 3 files whenever available. Differences between the versions are described in a Version Description Document.
The calibrated MFI files are also available from CDAWeb. On the first page select 'WIND' and 'Magnetic Fields (space)'. And on the next page WI_H0_MFI.
The calibrated MFI data can be searched on and downloaded via the Virtual Heliospheric Observatory (VHO).
The highest time resolution data (11 vectors/sec usually, and 22 vectors/sec when near Earth) in the same ISTP CDF format as the version 3, 4, and 5 averaged data, is available at CDAWeb under the reference name WI_H2_MFI. The version numbers have the same meaning as for the averaged data.
Monthly 1-hour averaged ASCII data files are available directly from the SPDF HTTPS Site.
The 92 second Key Parameter (KP) data in ASCII format is available at the MIT Instrument site.
The same data in both ASCII and CDF format is also available through CDAWeb. Select 'Wind' and 'Plasma and Solar Wind' on the first page, and 'WI_K0_SWE' on the next.
To download larger time periods, the data is available in daily CDF files at SPDF HTTPS Site.
1-hour averages of the KP data stored in yearly ASCII files can be downloaded from the MIT Instrument Site. Documentation for these files can be found in the data directory.
A new data product that employs a non-linear bi-Maxwellian fit to the proton and alpha peaks and determines the temperature anisotropies can be obtained from CDAWeb. Select 'Wind' and 'Plasma and Solar Wind' on the first page, and 'WI_H1_SWE' on the next.
The same data is also available in ASCII format directly from the MIT Instrument FTP Site. A detailed description file is included in the same directory.
For larger downloads, daily CDF files are available at the SPDF HTTPS Site.
Electron moments files containing electron density, velocity, temperature and heat flux parameters obtained from a moments analysis are available from CDAWeb. Select 'Wind' and 'Plasma and Solar Wind' on the first page, and 'WI_H0_SWE' on the next. These files cover the time period 1994/12/29 - 2001/5/31. The same CDF files are also available directly from the SPDF HTTPS Site. Documentation is included in the header material of each file.
Electron moments files relying on a quadrature technique covering the time period of 2002 to present are also available from CDAWeb. Select 'Wind' and 'Plasma and Solar Wind' on the first page, and 'WI_H5_SWE' on the next. The same files are also available directly from the SPDF HTTPS Site.
Electron moments covering more recent time periods (2002/8/16 - near present) relying on a Kappa distribution fit and in CDF format can be downloaded from the SPDF HTTPS Site.
Electron pitch angle files providing electron fluxes at 30 directional bins relative to the instantaneous magnetic field direction at 13 different energy levels can be downloaded from the SPDF HTTPS Site. These files cover the time period of 2002/8/16 - near present. The same 'WI_H3_SWE' files are also available from CDAWeb.
Electron pitch angle from an earlier mode of the elctron instrument, using 16 different energy levels,can also be downloaded from the SPDF HTTPS Site. These files cover the time period of 1994/11/30 - 2001/07/09. The same 'WI_H4_SWE' files are also available from CDAWeb.
Averaged electron pitch angle data with various aggregate averages formed from the complete pitch angle data can be downloaded from the SPDF HTTPS Site. These files cover the time period of 2002/8/16 - near present. The same 'WI_M0_SWE' files are also available from CDAWeb.
Averaged electron pitch angle data from an earlier mode of the electron instrument can also be downloaded from the SPDF HTTPS Site. The files cover the time period of 1995/02/01 - 2001/03/02. The same 'WI_M2_SWE' files are also available from CDAWeb.
Electron strahl data describing "beams" (enhanced electron flux) observed near the magnetic field direction can be downloaded from the SPDF HTTPS Site. These files cover the time period of 2002/8/16 - near present. The same 'WI_M1_SWE' files are also available from CDAWeb.
Electron and ion fluxes at 7 energy steps along with electron and ion moment densities, velocity and temperatures and electron heat flux along the magnetic field direction. The data can be downloaded from CDAWeb. Select 'Wind' and 'Plasma and Solar Wind' on the first page, and 'WI_K0_3DP' on the next.
The same data is also available directly from the Berkeley HTTP Site.
To download large number of data files the SPDF HTTPS Site is recommended.
3 second time resolution solar wind proton and alpha particle moments from the PESA LOW sensor, computed on-board the spacecraft, are available from CDAWeb. Select 'Wind' and 'Plasma and Solar Wind' on the first page, and 'WI_PM_3DP' on the next.
The same data is also available from the Berkeley HTTP Site.
To download large number of data files the SPDF HTTPS Site is recommended.
24 second ion omnidirectional fluxes with ion moments from the PESA LOW sensor are available from CDAWeb. Select 'Wind' and 'Plasma and Solar Wind' on the first page, and 'WI_PLSP_3DP' on the next.
The same data is also available directly from the Berkeley HTTP Site.
To download large number of data files the SPDF HTTPS Site is recommended.
Fits of the electron velocity distribution functions to the sum of three model functions measured by EESA Low can be found at Energy Partition Supplement and a detailed description is found in Wilson et al. [2019a]. Some additional selection criteria can be found in Wilson et al. [2019b].
Fits of the electron velocity distribution functions to the sum of three model functions measured by EESA Low and High can be found at CDAWeb under the label 'WI_EMFITS_E0_3DP'.
98 second electron omnidirectional fluxes from the EESA LOW detector are available from the Berkeley HTTP Site.
To download large number of data files the SPDF HTTPS Site is recommended.
98 second electron pitch angle distributions with moments from the EESA LOW detector are available from the Berkeley HTTP Site.
To download large number of data files the SPDF HTTPS Site is recommended.
12 second energetic proton omnidirectional energy spectra from the open SST detector are available from the Berkeley HTTP Site.
To download large number of data files the SPDF HTTPS Site is recommended.
12 second energetic proton pitch-angle energy spectra from the open SST detector are available from the Berkeley HTTP Site.
To download large number of data files the SPDF HTTPS Site is recommended.
12 second energetic electron omnidirectional energy spectra from the foil SST detector are available from the Berkeley HTTP Site.
To download large number of data files the SPDF HTTPS Site is recommended.
12 second energetic electron pitch-angle energy spectra from the foil SST detector are available from the Berkeley HTTP Site.
To download large number of data files the SPDF HTTPS Site is recommended.
STICS sectored fluxes for heavy ions separated by time periods inside and outside the terrestrial magnetosphere. The data include sectored fluxes for the following ions: H+, He+, He2+, O+, O6+, C5+, and Fe10+. The instrument includes 3 separate TOF telescopes that view 3 separate latitude sectors (16 total sectors). The spinning spacecraft body allows the three telescopes to cover nearly 4 π steradian. The solar direction is in sectors 8-10 while the earthward direction is in sectors 0-2. This data is available for the time period: 1995/01/01 - 2015/12/13 at CDAWeb. Select 'Wind' on the first page, and 'WI_L2-30MIN_SMS-STICS-AFM-MAGNETOSPHERE' and/or 'WI_L2-30MIN_SMS-STICS-ERPA-MAGNETOSPHERE' and/or 'WI_L2_3MIN_SMS-STICS-NVT-MAGNETOSPHERE' and/or 'WI_L2-3MIN_SMS-STICS-VDF-MAGNETOSPHERE' and/or 'WI_L2-30MIN_SMS-STICS-AFM-SOLARWIND' and/or 'WI_L2-30MIN_SMS-STICS-ERPA-SOLARWIND' and/or 'WI_L2_3MIN_SMS-STICS-NVT-SOLARWIND' and/or 'WI_L2-3MIN_SMS-STICS-VDF-SOLARWIND' and/or on the next.
Combined SWICS and STICS data containing 4 hour averaged alpha particle velocity, C/O abundance ratio, and carbon and oxygen ionization temperatures are available from CDAWeb. Select 'Wind' and 'Plasma and Solar Wind' on the first page, and 'WI_K0_SMS' on the next. This data is available for the time period: 1994/12/12 - 2000/5/27.
Daily averages of the proton and alpha particle phase space density distribution functions from STICS are available for the whole mission from the Wind VHO Page.
The same data combined into yearly ASCII files can be also downloaded from the Wind VHO Page.
For downloading large segments of time, the daily files are packaged into yearly tar-ed and gzipped files at the Wind VHO Page.
Hourly resolution STICS and MASS energy spectra for select days throughout the mission are available in digital and graphical formats from the University of Michigan site.
Fluxes for helium, oxygen, iron and combined CNO ions in energy bins below 1 MeV/nuc and averaged over 92 seconds are available for the complete mission from CDAWeb. Select 'Wind' and 'Particles (space)' on the first page, and 'WI_K0_EPA' on the next.
Omnidirectional intensity for helium to nickel ions in energy bins below 1 MeV/nuc and averaged over 5 minutes and 1 hour are available for the complete mission from CDAWeb. Select 'Wind' on the first page, and 'WI_L2-1HOUR-SEP_EPACT-LEMT' and/or 'WI_L2-5MIN-SEP_EPACT-LEMT' on the next.
Omnidirectional intensity for the whole mission of He, C, O, Ne, Si, and Fe ions, in the energy range of 2.5-13 MeV, measured by the LEMT sensor are available from the Virtual Energetic Particle Observatory (VEPO).
Hourly averaged omnidirectional intensity data of 20 MeV H ions, measured by the APE-B sensor, are available from the Virtual Energetic Particle Observatory (VEPO).
Hourly averaged omnidirectional intensity for the whole mission of He, C, O, Ne, Si, and Fe ions, in the energy range of 2.5-13 MeV, measured by the LEMT sensor are available from OMNIWeb.
Hourly averaged omnidirectional intensity data of He, O, and Fe ions, measured by the LEMT sensor, during days of energetic particle activity are available from the Wind VHO Page.
Hourly averaged ion sectored count data for H, He, O, and Fe, as measured by the LEMT sensor, are available for days of energetic particle activity from the Wind VHO Page.
Hourly averaged ion sectored differential flux for H, He, CNO, NeS, and Fe, as measured by the STEP sensor, are available from CDAWeb. Select 'Wind' on the first page and 'WI_EPACT_STEP-DIFFERENTIAL-ION-FLUX-1HR' on the next.
Ten minute averaged ion sectored differential flux for H ('WI_EPACT_STEP-DIRECTIONAL-DIFF-H-FLUX-10MIN'), He ('WI_EPACT_STEP-DIRECTIONAL-DIFF-HE-FLUX-10MIN'), CNO ('WI_EPACT_STEP-DIRECTIONAL-DIFF-CNO-FLUX-10MIN'), and Fe ('WI_EPACT_STEP-DIRECTIONAL-DIFF-FE-FLUX-10MIN'), as measured by the STEP sensor, are available from CDAWeb. Select 'Wind' on the first page and one of the above options on the next.
Hourly averaged bulk flow velocity and first-order anisotropy data of H, He, O, and Fe ions for a number of analyzed time intervals are availabe from the Wind VHO Page.
3 minute averages of the electric field intensities at 76 log-spaced frequencies and electron density estimates based on neural network determined electron plasma frequency values are available from CDAWeb. Select 'Wind' and 'Radio and Plasma Waves' on the first page, and 'WI_K0_WAV' on the next.
1 minute resolution normalized receiver voltages from the RAD1, RAD2 and TNR receivers are available from CDAWeb. Select 'Wind' and 'Radio and Plasma Waves' on the first page, and 'WI_H1_WAV' on the next. This is the data product used to generate the familiar frequency plots.
The same data product in ASCII, IDL-Save and graphical format are also available from the Instrument Web Site.
Combined daily summary plots are available from the STEREO/WAVES Web Site.
7-10 second time resolution electron density estimates based on the identified electron plasma frequency values are available from CDAWeb. Select 'Wind' and 'Radio and Plasma Waves' on the first page, and 'WI_H0_WAV' on the next.
Daily dust impact data products are available as CDF files from CDAWeb. Select 'Wind' and 'Electric Fields (space)' on the first page, and 'WI_L3-DUSTIMPACT_WAVES' on the next.
For larger downloads, daily CDF files are available at the SPDF HTTPS Site.
The dynamic spectra from the Wind RAD1, RAD2 and TNR receivers are available from the CNES at CDPP.
A Type II radio burst list can be found at CDAW.
The relevant data and documentation from the Wind TDS Fast receiver is available at TDSF Dataset.
KONUS light curves and spectra from 1994 to present can be found at the KONUS Web Page.
Additional KONUS data can be found at the Gamma-ray Coordinates Network (GCN) and the Interplanetary Network.
KONUS Solar Flare Data Product at Solar Flare Database.
TGRS data can be found at the Interplanetary Network for events.
A stand-alone package for retrieving and analyzing data from several Wind instruments can be found in the software library written by Lynn B. Wilson III at UMN 3DP.
The open source SPEDAS libraries provide users with retrieval and analysis software that also includes much of the Wind decommutation software known as Windlib for the 3DP instrument.
The open source for each Wind instrument can be found at Wind Decom Code.
Maruca et al. have released an open source nonlinear fitting software package meant to fit bi-Maxwellian velocity distributions to the SWE FC measurements at Janus.
Verscharen et al. have released an open source nonlinear fitting software package meant to analyze an arbitrary velocity distribution from an arbitrary particle instrument to determine the relevant unstable plasma modes called The Arbitrary Linear Plasma Solver at ALPS.
Lynn B. Wilson III released an open source software library written in IDL that was initially meant to be a stand-alone package but some parts can be used to augment/complement the SPEDAS libraries at UMN 3DP. Additional details and notes can be found at Documentation.
A tutorial for using the above TPLOT software libraries can be found as a PDF file at UMN 3DP TPLOT Tutorial. A tutorial for using the bulk velocity changing software included in the above software library can be found at Vbulk Change Tutorial.