wind_YYYY.txt (WIND MFI & 3DP PM data) file content: GSE coordinates are used. Columns: Parameter Type Comment YR Int 4 digit year of the data point MONTH Int Month of the data point (1-12) DAY Int Day of month of the data point HR Dbl Decimal hours of day of the data point (0.0-24.0) PX Dbl Position Xgse (Re) PY Dbl Position Ygse (Re) PZ Dbl Position Zgse (Re) B Dbl Magnetic field magnitude (nT) BX Dbl Magnetic field Bx GSE (nT) BY Dbl Magnetic field By GSE (nT) BZ Dbl Magnetic field Bz GSE (nT) VTH Dbl Proton Temperature (km/s) NP Dbl Proton Density (#/cm^3) V Dbl Magnitude of the proton velocity vector (km/s) VX Dbl X GSE Component of the proton velocity (km/s) VY Dbl Y GSE Component of the proton velocity (km/s) VZ Dbl Z GSE Component of the proton velocity (km/s) VTHETA Dbl Proton latitude angle (deg) (-90 - 90) VPHI Dbl Proton longitude angle (deg) (0-360) wind_swe_YYYY.txt (WIND SWE data) file content: GSE coordinates Columns: Parameter Type Comment #Year Month Day Hr Mi S PX PY PZ Vth Np V Vx Vy Vz Vtheta Vphi' ; FIELDS: ; YR Int 4 digit year of the data point ; MONTH Int Month of the data point (1-12) ; DAY Int Day of month of the data point ; HR Int Hour ; Mi Int Minutes ; S Int Seconds ; PX Dbl S/C position cartesian GSE X component (Re=6378 km) ; PY Dbl S/C position cartesian GSE Y component (Re) ; PZ Dbl S/C position cartesian GSE Z component (Re) ; VTH Dbl Solar wind most probable thermal speed sqrt(2kT/M) (km/s) ; NP Dbl Solar wind proton number density (#/cc) ; V Dbl Solar wind speed (km/s) ; VX Dbl Solar wind velocity GSE X component (km/s) ; VY Dbl Solar wind velocity GSE Y component (km/s) ; VZ Dbl Solar wind velocity GSE Z component (km/s) ; VTHETA Dbl Solar wind velocity GSE latitude angle (deg) (-90-90) ; VPHI Dbl Solar wind velocity GSE longitude angle (deg) (0-360)