Coalescence of recurrent streams of different sizes and amplitudes
L. F. Burlaga, W. H. Mish, Y. C. Whang
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771
Two corotating streams per solar rotation, separated by the heliospheric plasma sheet, were observed at 1 AU during 1974, and the streams recurred four times during the interval from day 145 to day 255. A single compound stream per solar rotation was observed at 5.5-6.0 AU during the corresponding interval from day 165 to day 275, indicating that the two recurrent streams observed at 1 AU coalesced between 1 AU and 6 AU. The average maximum speed of one of the recurrent streams was 805 km/s while that of the other recurrent stream was 705 km/s. The compound stream was not formed by the overtaking of the slow stream by the fast stream. Rather, it was probably formed by a process involving both filtering (due to the fact that the slow stream was 50% wider than the fast stream) and a geometrical effect.
J. Geophys. Res., 95, No. A3, 4247-4255, Apr. 1990